Sunday, February 6, 2011

Plain Nail color + sparkle Effects= my late winter trend

SO I'm back at school and back to real life, but its still blizzarding every other day and I want to reflect this in my manicures... Okay I just like the idea of lighter colors with sparkles because it gives a wintery feel. And I'm finally back up to speed with my photos on my mac so I can automatically update them from my phone and put them on here in a jiffy.
The first manicure I did was a couple days ago that I didn't change for a while because It was the weekend, and we got these new shelves for our living room. They were an awesome gift from my moms friend and our books are all displayed, our home office is so much cleaner and nicer, and I have a place for my keyboard. And the cat hasn't jumped on it so thats good.
Anyway, I wanted to put white on my nails, kindof like the manicure Gaga sported in her Bad Romance video, but I didn't want to look like I put white out on my nails and I only had the nail hardener brand (2 bucks at any drugstore) of a white color, so I knew it would look like white out. I put this thick sparkle color I got from forever 21 (4$) and I think it looked very cool.
The second light color with sparkle effect I did was a creme blue color by Matisse ( like 5$ unless its on sale) with a hologram glitter and hologram chucks, and it looks like theres a snow storm on my nails. Both hologram effect colors were by the color club, I bought them at my local beauty supply store called rays beauty supply on 45th and 8th. Like a dollar or two each and really good stuff. Enjoy


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